Friday, July 24, 2009

Patient Safety Day, July 25, 2009

Patient Safety Day, July 25, 2009 means so much, to so many. Patient Safety Day, a day to remember those patients, loved ones and friends, who lost their life as a result of a preventable error. This day is also to remember those patients, loved ones and friends, who have lost the quality in their life as a result of a preventable error. And, we recognize those health care professionals who provide and will continue to provide safe care to their patients.

Patient Safety Day, July 25, 2009

Since Patient Safety Day has been publicized, I have received so many emails from individuals who have been on the receiving end of a negative outcome as the result of a health care professional making a mistake. Some individuals have called me to tell an even sadder story of one they loved, who died because of a mistake in a hospital. Saddened by these stories, I realized that there are many consumers of health care who have no idea of what true quality safe care is about.

Because a health care professional is nice, pleasant, or makes you laugh, does not mean that this health care professional is providing quality safe care.

Many have come to me and said how much they loved their nurses and physicians because they were so nice. Then, something happened and they realized that nice does not mean safe care.

Be educated. The more educated you are, the safer you will be.

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